Brought to you by the Desmond Tutu Centre for Leadership <www.C4L.org>
Childermas is a feast on the church calendar, that remembers the
slaughter of the innocents by King Herod. It it celebrated on December
28th every year, and also weekly - on the day of the week that Dec
28th falls on, in any given year. In 2006, that is on Thursdays.
Recently a painting by one of the Dutch masters called Massacre
of the Innocents was sold for a record-breaking price at an
art auction. It is puzzling why "a violent painting, depicting
Roman soldiers knee-deep in butchered babies, carrying out King
Herod's edict" would fetch $116 million at a London auction,
a record high for an Old Master and one of the top ten largest prices
ever paid at an auction? Especially in a world where innocents are
dying in their millions of AIDS! Of the 26 million people who have
already died of AIDS (more than all the wars of the 20th century
combined), 5 million were children. If we put our treasure where
our heart is, then something has gone desperately wrong, somewhere...
When God pitched his tents and dwelt among us, he became a baby
- fragile and vulnerable. Escaping Herod's despotic regime, he grew
up as a refugee - in Africa. "A man of sorrows, and acquainted
with grief."
Here is a bold and unprecedented suggestion... especially for those
who are protestants and have a tendency to steer away from the "bells
and smells" of high church tradition. Just out of solidarity,
then, couldn't we set aside Thursdays in some special way, between
now and December 28th? Not just to remember the dozens who were
slain in Bethlehem by a despot, but to remember millions who are
dying in our time because of various factors - including state indifference
and recalcitrant leaders who do not role-model what it takes to
stop the spread of HIV infection and thus of the AIDS pandemic.
Here are some ways to do this:
- pray on Thursdays for children, orphans, and especially infants
dying of AIDS
- every Thursday, do some special reading about this (start with
Googling "Orphans" and "Africa" and you get
quite a few items from CNN, BBC, the World Bank, etc.)
- make every Thursday the day that you engage at least one other
person to raise awareness about this issue
- go without lunch and instead make a gift to a ministry for
OVC (orphans and vulnerable children) like C4L's
- dare it be said? What about fasting on Thursdays? This is more
than solidarity - it engages the powers
Volunteering is a mode
of giving that has to be encouraged more and more, in the light
of "capacity shrinkage" in Africa, and the increasing
need for "capacity replenishment". But it is concentrated
intensely around a trip overseas, at a particular season...
Observing Childermas could be a complementary strategy; a "long
war" to borrow an all-too-familiar phrase. Are you ready to
take action that is on-going and proactive? In favour of innocents
who are either orphaned when their parents are taken by a pandemic
through no fault of their own, or worse yet, born with AIDS? When
top political and cultural figures promote behaviours that fail
to dampen the spread of infection, and behind it the death phase
of the pandemic, and the deluge of orphans.There are more and more
people who want to do something more substantial than just making
a donation, but they don't know how. Here is one suggestion - choose
a way to observe Childermas, and stick with it.
Wouldn't it be great if this became a mass movement!